¿Qué creen, saben y hacen los custodios? Un manual de prácticas esenciales de la custodia | Stewarding Essential Practices, in Spanish
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Describe prácticas clave para facilitar la colaboración y alineación intersectorial regional que cree las condiciones para un cambio duradero.
California Accountable Communities for Health Roundtable: The ABCs of Social Impact Investing
Describes six prominent or emerging forms of impact investments that may be applicable financing approaches for an Accountable Communities for Health.
10 Essential Practices for Transforming Health and Well-Being Through Regional Stewardship
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Tool for Assessing Your Distributed Leadership Practice
Provides an assessment tool and process for identifying strengths and weaknesses of a collaborative's current leadership efforts.
Tool for Developing a Resident Engagement Planning Strategy
Provides a planning guide and curriculum for implementing a resident engagement strategy.
Beyond the Grant
Offers modules with practical, user-friendly tools to answer common financing questions and develop action plans for moving beyond the grant.
Resident Engagement Practices Typology
Classifies best practices according to three key outcomes: resident awareness and participation, feedback and input, and active resident leadership.
Multisector Partnerships Need Further Development to Fulfill Aspirations for Transforming Health and Well-Being
Findings from research about the development of multi-sector partnerships and how well they are poised to lead health transformation.
Typology of Financing Structures for Population Health
Provides and categorizes a wide array of funding options by the sources and the process by which the money is acquired.
Combined Regional Investments Could Substantially Enhance Health System Performance and Be Financially Affordable
Using the ReThink Health Dynamics Model, the authors show results from alternative investment strategies.