¿Qué creen, saben y hacen los custodios? Un manual de prácticas esenciales de la custodia | Stewarding Essential Practices, in Spanish
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Describe prácticas clave para facilitar la colaboración y alineación intersectorial regional que cree las condiciones para un cambio duradero.
Paquete de Orientación de CACHI en Español | CACHI Orientation Packet in Spanish
Elements of the ACH orientation packet translated for Spanish-speaking audiences. Includes “About CACHI,” “The ACH Framework” and “Insights from the FIeld.”
Elementos del paquete de orientación de ACH traducidos para audiencias de habla hispana. Incluye “Acerca de CACHI”, “El Esquema de las ACH” y “Perspectivas de los Participantes sobre las ACH”.
Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
ACH Orientation Packet
The complete ACH orientation packet for training, educating and communicating. Includes Welcome Letter, About CACHI, The ACH Framework, The Value Proposition, The ACH's Key Functions, How to Launch & Grow, Topline Messages, FAQs and 2023-25 Grantees fact sheets.
Transforming Community Health in California: Findings from the First 5 Years of ACH Implementation
Executive Summary of the Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) Final 2017-22 Evaluation.
Well Being in the Nation Measurement Framework
Offers a set of common measures to assess and improve population and community health and well-being across sectors. Provides links, tools and data sources for community health improvement efforts.
California Accountable Communities for Health Roundtable: The ABCs of Social Impact Investing
Describes six prominent or emerging forms of impact investments that may be applicable financing approaches for an Accountable Communities for Health.
ACH Insights from the Field
Highlights reflections from ACHs on the benefits and challenges of developing an ACH and what difference they believe ACHs make in their communities.
Resources for Collaboration and Power Sharing Between Government Agencies and Community Power-Building Organizations
Guides health departments through the why and how of partnering with Community Power-Building Organizations (CPBOs) to advance health equity.
Advancing Equity: Adapting to Local Context and Confronting Power Dynamics Lessons Learned from Accountable Communities of/for Health
Summarizes findings from a study on six ACHs operating in CA and WA, focusing on the role of local context and power dynamics on efforts to improve equity.
PHRASES (Public Health Reaching Across Sectors)
Provides practical communications tools and resources to better communicate with the public about public health.
ACH Infrastructure Fuels Community Change
Provides an overview of the various roles the ACH plays as a cross-sector collaborative in catalyzing community change and health equity.
Common Goods Podcast on CACHI
Features CACHI Director Barbara Masters and West Sacramento ACH leader Debra Oto-Kent in a conversation about their work with Accountable Communities for Health.
Local Wellness Funds
Provides a set of online resources, practical tools and information regarding how to develop a local wellness fund, a key element of an ACH.
Created at the CACHI 2022 convening to capture the themes and ideas discussed at the meeting.
Accountable Communities for Health: Advancing Community Health & Equity
In this overview video, learn how ACH's advance equity and community health in 13 communities across California.
CACHI Overview January 2022
Provides an overview about CACHI and Accountable Communities for Health.
Accountable Communities for Health 2017-2021 Interim Report: Catalyzing Alignment, Leveraging Infrastructure, and Elevating Community Voice
Describes progress in establishing ACHs in sites across California, highlighting the value ACHs bring to communities.