¿Qué creen, saben y hacen los custodios? Un manual de prácticas esenciales de la custodia | Stewarding Essential Practices, in Spanish
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Describe prácticas clave para facilitar la colaboración y alineación intersectorial regional que cree las condiciones para un cambio duradero.
Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
Parks After Dark Evaluation Report
Provides findings from evaluation of the Parks After Dark program, including savings to the county as well as health and social outcomes for youth and young adults.
Transforming Community Health in California: Findings from the First 5 Years of ACH Implementation
Executive Summary of the Accountable Communities for Health (ACH) Final 2017-22 Evaluation.
Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving health equity through law & policy
Provides a range of comprehensive strategies to address the fundamental drivers of health inequities.
Well Being in the Nation Measurement Framework
Offers a set of common measures to assess and improve population and community health and well-being across sectors. Provides links, tools and data sources for community health improvement efforts.
Policies that Support Asthma Prevention
A high-level overview of local and state public policy strategies to prevent and address asthma: health care, childcare and schools, home environment and the outdoors.
Cal AIM Funding Opportunities Cheat Sheet
Summarizes various various, distinct funding opportunities available to help communities and providers transition to Cal AIM.
Guide to Evidence for Health-Related Social Needs Interventions: 2022 Update
Provides relevant evidence on the costs of health-related social need interventions and/or their impact on health care utilization and cost of care for use with ROI Calc.
Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to improve the Social Determinants of Health
Provides session videos and resources from a September 2022 convening “Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to Improve the Social Determinants of Health.”
Now is the Time for Measuring Social Drivers of Health in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program
Describes the five potential Drivers of Health measures — food insecurity, housing instability, transportation, utility needs, and interpersonal safety — for Medicare.
ACES Social Media Tool Kit
Provides individuals and organizations messaging and graphics to share on social media aimed at raising awareness of ACEs and domestic violence.
Health Impact in Five Years
Identifies non-clinical community-wide approaches that have evidence reporting positive health impacts, results in 5 years and cost-effectiveness and or cost reductions.
Rethinking Value: Perspectives on the benefits of cross-sector collaboratives serving populations with complex health and social needs
Identifies four dimensions of value related to cross-sector collaboration: intrinsic benefits, community engagement, outcomes, & sustainable system-level change.
Best Practices Guide for CVD Prevention
Describes & summarizes scientific evidence behind 8 effective strategies, which involve community-clinical links, for lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
State Community Health Worker Models
Provides information regarding financing, certification, education and other elements of Community Health Worker programs across the country.
A Framework for Assessing the Racial Equity Impact of the American Rescue Plan
How Accountable Communities for Health Can Lead Multi-Sector Partnerships to Address the Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences
Legal & Policy Strategies for Health Care & Food System Partners
Provides a framework for food system collaborations with health care provides along with legal and policy considerations for food system interventions.