¿Qué creen, saben y hacen los custodios? Un manual de prácticas esenciales de la custodia | Stewarding Essential Practices, in Spanish
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Describe prácticas clave para facilitar la colaboración y alineación intersectorial regional que cree las condiciones para un cambio duradero.
Paquete de Orientación de CACHI en Español | CACHI Orientation Packet in Spanish
Elements of the ACH orientation packet translated for Spanish-speaking audiences. Includes “About CACHI,” “The ACH Framework” and “Insights from the FIeld.”
Elementos del paquete de orientación de ACH traducidos para audiencias de habla hispana. Incluye “Acerca de CACHI”, “El Esquema de las ACH” y “Perspectivas de los Participantes sobre las ACH”.
Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving health equity through law & policy
Provides a range of comprehensive strategies to address the fundamental drivers of health inequities.
Equity in Multisector Collaboration Toolkit
A toolkit from Blue Shield of California Foundation.
Status of Health Equity Report
Examines the underlying socioeconomic factors that have a significant influence on health & well-being, and provides ways to address them through collaboration.
Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to improve the Social Determinants of Health
Provides session videos and resources from a September 2022 convening “Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to Improve the Social Determinants of Health.”
Why Community Power Is Fundamental to Advancing Racial and Health Equity
Opening commentary of a three-part series that examines the relationship between health and power building.
Resources for Collaboration and Power Sharing Between Government Agencies and Community Power-Building Organizations
Guides health departments through the why and how of partnering with Community Power-Building Organizations (CPBOs) to advance health equity.
Centering Equity in Community Health Partnerships
Drawn from a longer report, offers the 3 questions to center equity in community health partnerships, with considerations specific to public health agencies.
Advancing Equity: Adapting to Local Context and Confronting Power Dynamics Lessons Learned from Accountable Communities of/for Health
Summarizes findings from a study on six ACHs operating in CA and WA, focusing on the role of local context and power dynamics on efforts to improve equity.
A Toolkit to Advance Racial Health Equity in Primary Care Improvement
Helps health care organizations to increase the primary care improvement efforts that center racial equity.
Addressing the social needs of Medicaid enrollees through managed care: Lessons and promising practices from the field
Describes perspectives of Medicaid managed care organizations on emerging promising practices of addressing social determinants of health among their Medicaid enrollees.
Centering Equity in Collective Impact
Reflects on the last 10 years of collective impact and identifies the importance of centering equity for collective impact to succeed.
Leveraging Community Information Exchanges® for Equitable and Inclusive Data: The CIE® Data Equity Framework
Provides guidance guide institutions away from systems that perpetuate harmful practices and towards anti-racist systems that empower communities.
Centering Equity in Health Care Delivery and Payment Reform: A Guide for California Policymakers
Recommends six key strategies for how payment and delivery system reforms can advance and achieve greater health equity.
Selecting Indicators for Early Childhood Systems Change Projects
Provides a reference guide to help organizations identify, select, and track data indicators related to equitable health outcomes for young children and their families.
Solutions for Local Leaders to Improve Mental Health and Well-Being During and Post-COVID-19
Offers recommended strategies that are evidence informed to help ease the mental health and addiction challenges stemming from the pandemic.
Promoting Health Equity Through Accountable Communities for Health
Explores the potential of ACHs to address the social determinants of health and suggests a measurement framework to assist ACHs in pursuing a pathway to health equity.