Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
California Accountable Communities for Health Roundtable: The ABCs of Social Impact Investing
Describes six prominent or emerging forms of impact investments that may be applicable financing approaches for an Accountable Communities for Health.
Local Wellness Funds
Provides a set of online resources, practical tools and information regarding how to develop a local wellness fund, a key element of an ACH.
Community Benefits in California: A New Chapter
Summarizes the implications of Governor Newsom's 2022 proposed change to hospital community benefits requirements.
Centering Equity in Collective Impact
Reflects on the last 10 years of collective impact and identifies the importance of centering equity for collective impact to succeed.
Democratizing Valuation: A Guide for Multi-Sector Collaboratives
Provides examples, including two CACHI sites, and a simplified set of valuation tools that multi-sector collaboratives can use to convey the value of their activity.
Building the Evidence Base for Social Determinants of Health Interventions
Evaluates the existing evidence for effective interventions to address social determinants of health and social needs and identifies potential next steps.
Caring for the Whole Child: A New Way to Finance Initiatives to Improve Children’s Health and Well-being Issue Brief
Describes approaches to ensure that children and their families benefit from SDOH investments and the range of strategies and interventions needed by families.
Innovative Community Investment Strategies: The Current State of Practice and a Vision for Greater implementation in Southern California
Identifies 10 promising innovative community investment strategies for Southern California.
Financial Sustainability Mini-Toolkit: Domestic Violence Collaboratives and Others
Provides easy-to-digest key concepts and a practical structure to guide sustainability planning for ACHs and other collaboratives.
Financing The Infrastructure Of Accountable Communities For Health Is Key To Long-Term Sustainability
Provides findings from a legal and policy review of funding streams that could help support the backbone function & infrastructure of an Accountable Community for Health.
Fostering Healthy Neighborhoods: Alignment across the community development, health and financial well-being sectors
Describes how the community development, health, and financial sectors can better align their work to enable neighborhoods to better support health & financial well-being.
Accessing MHSA Funding: A Roadmap for CACHI Communities
Provides detailed information about MHSA funding and how CACHI communities can access those resources in support of their goals.
California's Health Care Paradox
Analysis of California’s state budget finds that health care spending has skyrocketed, leaving fewer dollars to fund programs that prevent illness at the community level.
Beyond the Grant
Offers modules with practical, user-friendly tools to answer common financing questions and develop action plans for moving beyond the grant.
Braiding and Blending Funds to Support Community Health: A Compendium of Resources and Examples
Provides a wealth of resources regarding how to bring various funding streams together through the use of two mechanisms: braiding and blending.
Social Determinants As Public Goods: A New Approach To Financing Key Investments In Healthy Communities
Proposes how a properly governed, collaborative approach to financing could enable health stakeholders to earn a financial return on their social determinants investments.
ROI Calculator for Partnerships to Address the Social Determinants of Health
Determines the ROI of health-related social needs to help CBOs and their health system partners plan sustainable financial arrangements for high need patients.
Investing in Social Services as a Core Strategy for Healthcare Organizations
Provides step-by-step guidance for how to develop a business case for investing in the social determinants of health, along with specific examples.
Intended Consequences: Modernizing Medi-Cal Rate Setting to Improve Health and Manage Costs
Recommends a new approach for updating the current rate-setting methodology to advance Medi-Cal’s goals of improving health outcomes and promoting efficient resource use.