Building stronger, healthier, more equitable communities
California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI) supports multi-sector collaboratives across California dedicated to making lasting transformational change to improve community health and well-being.
CACHI has funded 37 ACH communities across California.
Accountable Communities for Health
A Framework for Transformational Change
ACH Core Principles
Breaking Barriers to Build Health Equity
For decades, long-standing inequities have exacerbated health issues in low-income communities and communities of color, resulting in persistent health disparities.
Accountable Communities for Health (ACHs) provide a powerful framework for tackling those inequities by breaking down barriers and promoting a new way of working together.
37 communities.
100s of organizations.
1,000s of lives changed.
Building Stronger ACHs
Technical Assistance and Resources
CACHI is a multi-sector, systems-change initiative that serves as both a funder and a strategic partner for the ACHs. We provide support, technical assistance, and guidance in three priority areas: ACH governance, state initiatives, and transformational equity.
Funding, Partnership, and Guidance