Community Profiles

36 ACH Communities

CACHI is proud to be supporting 36 different locations throughout California as their resident-driven ACHs work to build healthier, stronger, more equitable communities. Brief profiles of each of these communities are provided below and a navigable map of all locations is available.

These profiles include 12 communities (identified with *) that piloted the ACH approach as well as 24 new communities announced in 2023 that have joined in the effort to make lasting, transformational change in the health of their community.



  • Marin 9 to 25 



  • Merced County Accountable Communities for Health* 


  • OC Network of Care

  • Orange County API Task Force 



  • Child Safety Forward Sacramento 


  • Uplift San Bernardino 



  • Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN) ACH 






  • Contra Costa ACH 



  • Humboldt Community Health Trust* 


  • Imperial County Accountable Community for Health* 




  • Caring Together Santa Barbara County 








  • Alameda County · Ashland-Cherryland

    Unincorporated Health and Wealth Initiative: Economic empowerment for Latino, Black and Asian households at-risk

    With Resources for Community Development as its backbone, this ACH aims to address emotional well-being, financial security, and economic empowerment for Latino, Black, and Asian households in the Ashland-Cherryland community. Its initial focus is on the implementation of the state’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CHYBI).

  • Alameda County · Unincorporated

    Healthy Havenscourt Collaborative (HHC): Social supports and services for Medi-Cal participants

    Coordinated by the East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation (EBALDC), HHC works to improve health inequities by strengthening social supports and services for residents of Oakland’s Havenscourt neighborhood. HHC will improve housing stability and job quality, with a focus on California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM)’s Community Support element.

  • Butte County

    Butte County Accountable Communities for Health: Strengthening community resilience and equity

    Led by Adventist Health and Rideout, this countywide ACH aims to advance community priorities identified through various assessments using cross-sector partnerships with local hospitals and health initiatives. Its focus is equity and strengthening community resilience.

  • Contra Costa County

    Contra Costa ACH: Helping residents live safely, healthy and well

    With Contra Costa Regional Health Foundation as the backbone, this ACH aims to shape the lives of county residents by addressing a variety of health-impacting factors, with a focus on living safely, healthy and well. It aligns with the state’s Let's Get Healthy California initiative.

  • Fresno County*

    Fresno County Health Improvement Partnership (FCHIP): Building a system to address Adverse Childhood Experiences

    This ACH, coordinated by Fresno Metro Ministry, focuses its efforts on Southwest Fresno. It aims to unite over 100 local organizations to address adverse childhood experiences (ACES) and expand capacity to implement trauma-informed healing practices.

  • Humboldt County*

    Humboldt Community Health Trust: Creating a safe, healthy and resilient community addressing substance abuse

    This ACH, with support from the North Coast Health Improvement and Information Network, works to create a safe, healthy and resilient community to holistically address substance use disorder, uniting key stakeholders to address the diverse factors contributing to addiction in rural Humboldt. Its efforts are aligned with the state’s Children Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI).

  • Imperial County*

    Imperial County Accountable Community for Health: Developing a sustainable health care workforce

    Imperial County ACH, with coordination from San Diego State University Research Foundation, works to plan for and coordinate health workforce needs by building partnerships and promoting power-sharing. Its goal is to learn from the community’s experience during the COVID-19 pandemic and better prepare the system for future challenges.

  • Lake County*

    Adventist Health Clear Lake: Elevating community health with mental health, housing and SUDs supports

    Adventist Health Clear Lake elevates the health and well-being of Lake County residents by addressing health inequities, with a particular focus on mental health and substance use disorders and building community-clinical linkages. Projects include the SafeRX program to reduce opioid consumption, the Perinatal Wellness Task Force and transitional housing for people who are unhoused. Its efforts align with the state’s Children Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI).

  • Los Angeles County · Azusa*

    All in for Azusa: A city-wide movement committed to cross-sector collaboration to reduce violence

    With support from the City of Azusa, this ACH works to coordinate over two dozen partners and the community to advance prevention strategies that build a more healthy and livable community. This ACH will prioritize efforts to prevent community violence.

  • Los Angeles County · Antelope Valley

    Antelope Valley - Violence Prevention ACH: Community violence prevention by addressing root causes

    Facilitated by Antelope Valley Partners for Health, this ACH focuses on community violence prevention in Antelope Valley. Its goal is to address the root causes of violence, advance systems change and heal the community.

  • Los Angeles County · South LA

    Community Response System of South Los Angeles (CRSSLA) Network: Activating residents to build trust and connect communities

    With assistance from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Churches (LAM), CRSSLA Network was formed to address BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and people of color) community needs. This ACH will host events, town halls, reading circles and collective actions to build trust in the health care system and bridge communities. It will also partner with Managed Care Plans to reduce health disparities.

  • Los Angeles County · Compton

    Compton Healthy: Addressing health disparities with a focus on youth

    Compton Healthy, coordinated by St. John’s Community Health Center, aims to build upon its existing cross-sector partnership to address health disparities experienced by the low-income, Latinx and Black residents of Compton. Its primary focus will be on the state’s Behavioral Health for Children and Youth initiative.

  • Los Angeles County · Boyle Heights*

    Health Innovation Community Partnership: Integrating children and youth behavioral health

    This ACH, with backbone support from the LAC+USC Medical Center Foundation, works to integrate children and youth behavior health efforts in the Boyle Heights community in Los Angeles, all with a special focus on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Anti-racism (EDIA). Its efforts are aligned with the state’s Advancing Child Health and Well-Being initiative.

  • Los Angeles County · South LA

    LA Reentry Collaborative: Helping formerly incarcerated individuals reenter society

    The LA Reentry Council ACH is a network of partner organizations that promote the successful reentry of formerly incarcerated individuals in Central and South Los Angeles. Beyond Us & Them serves as the backbone agency, aligning work around SB 840 public reentry funding.

  • Los Angeles County · San Pedro

    One San Pedro Alliance: Supporting the unhoused and addressing community health priorities

    One San Pedro Alliance seeks to strengthen the governance structure of its backbone organization, One San Pedro Inc., to incorporate resident voices and address community health priorities in the most socially vulnerable neighborhoods in the San Pedro area Los Angeles. It will focus on the state’s Housing and Homelessness initiative.

  • Madera County

    Live Well Madera County: Prioritizing equity and community voice in public health infrastructure

    Live Well Madera County, coordinated by the Madera County Department of Public Health, will embed equity and community voice into the county’s community health improvement plan. The ACH aligns with the Future of Public Health (FoPH) state initiative to improve public health infrastructure.

  • Marin County

    Marin 9 to 25: Improving youth physical and mental health

    With the Marin County Probation Department and BluePath Health acting as the backbone, this ACH focuses on youth physical and mental health challenges and the substance abuse crisis. The ACH’s goal is to welcome youth voices, embed equity and expand care navigation to schools across Marin County. It will align its efforts with the state’s Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI).

  • Mendocino County

    Healthy Mendocino: Embedding equity at every point in the system

    Healthy Mendocino, coordinated by North Coast Opportunities, Inc., will focus on CalAIM implementation across the county while embedding equity into all its activities to address social determinants of health.

  • Merced County*

    Merced County Accountable Communities for Health: Building a stronger rural health care workforce

    With leadership from the Merced County Workforce Development Board, this ACH will work to promote urgent workforce issues in the healthcare sector. Its efforts will focus on coordinating the local health workforce needs by developing, attracting and retaining workers to meet the needs of a diverse, multi-lingual and largely low-income population.

  • Orange County

    OC Network of Care: Building infrastructure for change on mental health and wellness

    The OC Network of Care is a multi-sector community movement coordinated by United Way of OC, dedicated to advancing health equity, building infrastructure for change around adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and aligning local and state initiatives for policy and systems change that connects and strengthens the system of care for Orange County.

  • Orange County

    Orange County API Task Force: Reducing API health disparities

    Led by the API Task Force with backbone support from the Vital Access Care Foundation, this ACH works to reduce Asian Pacific Islander health disparities in Orange County while assisting with the implementation of Medi-Cal Population Health Management Plans.

  • Placer County

    Placer County ACH Network: Lifting community voices for improved health care services

    This ACH, with the Health Education Council (HEC) as backbone, works in Roseville to lift community voices and involve underserved residents in its efforts to improve community health. It will focus on building partnerships with managed care plans and community-based organizations under CalAIM.

  • Sacramento County

    Child Safety Forward Sacramento: Eliminating child abuse and neglect

    This ACH, with backbone support from the Child Abuse Prevention Council of Sacramento, will work to stop child abuse and neglect, with the goal of eliminating deaths and critical injuries throughout the county by 2030. Core to this work will be strong partnerships with county systems to advance child health and well-being.

  • San Bernardino County

    Uplift San Bernardino: Cultivating a generation of successful adults committed to putting down roots in their community

    Uplift San Bernardino, with support from the Making Hope Happen Foundation, aims to cultivate a generation of successful adults committed to putting down roots in their community. This ACH will focus on CalAIM’s Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports initiative and will deploy additional resources to the Arrowhead Grove community.

  • San Diego County*

    San Diego Accountable Community for Health: Building a robust Community Health Worker workforce

    With support from the San Diego Wellness Collaborative, this ACH focuses its efforts on building a foundation to sustain the community health worker (CHW/promotora) workforce and expand capacity for clinical-community linkages. It will align its work with CalAIM’s new CHW benefit initiative.

  • San Francisco County

    Mission Promise Neighborhood (MPN) ACH: Promoting the health and well-being of Latino and immigrant children

    Mission Promise Neighborhood ACH, with backbone support from the Mission Economic Development Agency, promotes the health and well-being of Latino and immigrant children in San Francisco's Mission District by aligning and coordinating activities and systems changes. This ACH aligns with the State's Child Health and Well-Being Initiative.

  • San Joaquin County*

    Reinvent South Stockton Coalition (RSSC): Creating a more trauma-responsive community

    The Reinvent South Stockton Coalition is a multi-sector alliance of medical providers, local government agencies, community organizations and advocates that work together to help make South Stockton a trauma-responsive community with sufficient mental and behavioral health support. Its focus will align with the state’s Strengthening Community Resilience initiative.

  • San Mateo County

    Redwood City Together: Preventing community violence by empowering young people and residents.

    Redwood City Together, with support from the city, uses collaborative approaches to prevent community violence by empowering young people and residents. The ACH aligns with state efforts to address community violence, emphasizing employment and enrichment opportunities for young adults during after-school hours.

  • Santa Barbara County

    Caring Together Santa Barbara County: Supporting caregivers and those they care for

    This ACH brings together 41 partner organizations and a backbone organization, Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara County, to coordinate efforts to support caregivers and those they care for. It aligns with Goal 4 of the California Master Plan for Aging (MPA).

  • Santa Clara County · East San José*

    East San José PEACE Partnership: Uniting East San Jose to decrease community violence and prevent displacement

    PEACE, with support from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, addresses violence, trauma and racial inequities in East San José by strengthening partnerships and building systemic infrastructure. It will focus its efforts on preventing community violence and will also work to advance state initiatives to prevent homelessness and displacement, implement community health workers as a Medi-Cal benefit, and further the Violence Intervention and Prevention Program (CalVIP).

  • Santa Clara County · South County

    South County Health Equity for All Leadership Initiative (SC HEALs!): Addressing longstanding inequities to support families

    South County Youth Task Force's (SCYTF) South County Health Equity for All Leadership Initiative (SC HEALs!) is coordinated by the City of Gilroy and the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s Office. This ACH aligns with the state’s Preventing Community Violence initiative and aims to address longstanding inequities and racism, targeting root causes of intergenerational poverty and unfair policies impacting local families.

  • Santa Cruz County · South County

    South County Triage Group (SCTG): Improving equity, health and economic mobility with culturally appropriate services

    With assistance from the City of Watsonville, this ACH works to improve equity, health and economic mobility by providing culturally appropriate services for vulnerable and marginalized individuals in the Pajaro Valley. It will focus its efforts on Capacity and Infrastructure Transition Expansion and Development (CITED), a Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) initiative for high-risk beneficiaries of Medi-Cal.

  • Shasta County

    Shasta Health Assessment and Redesign Collaborative: Bringing all sectors together to move system transformation efforts for youth

    This “collaborative of collaboratives,” supported by the Health Alliance of Northern California, brings all sectors together to move system transformation efforts. Shasta’s chosen state initiative is the Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI), focusing on increasing access to youth behavioral health services and enhancing the continuum of care for youth and families.

  • Sonoma County*

    Health Action Together Sonoma County: Advancing anti-racist practices in public health

    Health Action Together works countywide to advance anti-racist practices in support of health equity. Its focus over the next few years is to bring these principles to play in executing the deliverables of grants related to the state’s Community Equitable Recovery Initiative (CERI) and the Future of Public Health (FoPH).

  • Ventura County

    Ventura County Community Health Improvement Collaborative: Building partnerships and capacity to improve health outcomes

    Coordinated by Communities Lifting Communities, this ACH focuses on building partnerships and capacity to improve health outcomes across Ventura County. Its initiative aligns with CalAIM, implementing policies and programs to promote access to culturally appropriate preventative care services among underserved populations.

  • Yolo County*

    West Sacramento Accountable Community for Health Initiative: Changing systems for a more resilient, healthy community

    This ACH, with support from the Health Education Council, works to promote health and well-being in West Sacramento by strengthening community resilience, institutionalizing resident leadership and achieving health equity. It will align its efforts with the state’s Strengthening Community Resilience initiative to build equity infrastructure.