Paquete de Orientación de CACHI en Español | CACHI Orientation Packet in Spanish
Elements of the ACH orientation packet translated for Spanish-speaking audiences. Includes “About CACHI,” “The ACH Framework” and “Insights from the FIeld.”
Elementos del paquete de orientación de ACH traducidos para audiencias de habla hispana. Incluye “Acerca de CACHI”, “El Esquema de las ACH” y “Perspectivas de los Participantes sobre las ACH”.
Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
Equity in Multisector Collaboration Toolkit
A toolkit from Blue Shield of California Foundation.
Status of Health Equity Report
Examines the underlying socioeconomic factors that have a significant influence on health & well-being, and provides ways to address them through collaboration.
Why Community Power Is Fundamental to Advancing Racial and Health Equity
Opening commentary of a three-part series that examines the relationship between health and power building.
Community Power and Health Equity: Closing the Gap between Scholarship and Practice
Highlights learnings from RWJF initiative "Lead Local: Community Driven Change and the Power of Collective Action.
Resources for Collaboration and Power Sharing Between Government Agencies and Community Power-Building Organizations
Guides health departments through the why and how of partnering with Community Power-Building Organizations (CPBOs) to advance health equity.
Advancing Equity: Adapting to Local Context and Confronting Power Dynamics Lessons Learned from Accountable Communities of/for Health
Summarizes findings from a study on six ACHs operating in CA and WA, focusing on the role of local context and power dynamics on efforts to improve equity.
Lived Experience: The Practice of Engagement in Policy
Highlights the value of ensuring the involvement of those with lived experience in policy and systems change in multi-sector collaboratives.
Recognizing and Sustaining the Value of Community Health Workers and Promotors
Highlights examples of how CHW/Ps add value to organizations, how their work is financed, and emerging opportunities to scale and sustain that work within California.
The Spectrum of Community Engagement to Ownership
Charts a pathway to strengthen and transform our local democracies.
Tool for Developing a Resident Engagement Planning Strategy
Provides a planning guide and curriculum for implementing a resident engagement strategy.
Resident Engagement Practices Typology
Classifies best practices according to three key outcomes: resident awareness and participation, feedback and input, and active resident leadership.
Engaging Communities with Lived Experience
"Describes the way in which community leaders & community champions formed partnerships with one another as part of 100 Million Healthier Lives (report links to Toolkit)"
Health Equity Guide
Offers a set of strategic practices, including case studies, that health departments can apply to more meaningfully and comprehensively advance health equity.
Community Engagement Framework: Advancing Racial Equity and Social Justice
Provides a framework that can be used as both a planning and an assessment tool for all types of collaborative work.
Nonprofits Integrating Community Engagement
Offers tools, information, case studies and other resources to help non profits develop and improve core competencies on community engagement.