Transformation in Action: How Accountable Communities for Health Promote Collaboration, Systems Change and Health Equity
This report is a comprehensive analysis of the first five years of ACH implementation in California. It offers ten key insights on how to successfully launch and grow an ACH gleaned from the experiences, successes and challenges of the first 13 ACHs launched in the state. These findings help inform future ACH implementation as the model scales and spreads to other geographies within California and nationally.
Blueprint for Changemakers: Achieving health equity through law & policy
Provides a range of comprehensive strategies to address the fundamental drivers of health inequities.
Medicaid Reinvestment Requirements Can Improve Community Health And Equity
Health Affairs article authored by CACHI.
Policies that Support Asthma Prevention
A high-level overview of local and state public policy strategies to prevent and address asthma: health care, childcare and schools, home environment and the outdoors.
Cal AIM Funding Opportunities Cheat Sheet
Summarizes various various, distinct funding opportunities available to help communities and providers transition to Cal AIM.
Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to improve the Social Determinants of Health
Provides session videos and resources from a September 2022 convening “Operationalizing Equity-Promoting Policies to Improve the Social Determinants of Health.”
A Guide to Using the Accountable Health Communities Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool
Describes the health-related social needs Screening Tool from the federal Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Model & shares promising practices for universal screening.
Now is the Time for Measuring Social Drivers of Health in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program
Describes the five potential Drivers of Health measures — food insecurity, housing instability, transportation, utility needs, and interpersonal safety — for Medicare.
ACH Infrastructure Fuels Community Change
Provides an overview of the various roles the ACH plays as a cross-sector collaborative in catalyzing community change and health equity.
Community Benefits in California: A New Chapter
Summarizes the implications of Governor Newsom's 2022 proposed change to hospital community benefits requirements.
Accountable Communities for Health: Advancing Community Health & Equity
In this overview video, learn how ACH's advance equity and community health in 13 communities across California.
Addressing the social needs of Medicaid enrollees through managed care: Lessons and promising practices from the field
Describes perspectives of Medicaid managed care organizations on emerging promising practices of addressing social determinants of health among their Medicaid enrollees.
CACHI Overview January 2022
Provides an overview about CACHI and Accountable Communities for Health.
CACHI Overview-Spanish January 2022
Provides an overview of CACHI and an Accountable Community for Health in Spanish.
Centering Equity in Collective Impact
Reflects on the last 10 years of collective impact and identifies the importance of centering equity for collective impact to succeed.
Let's Get Healthy California
Tracks process on indicators aligned with six overarching goals, based on the Triple Aim, in support of a shared vision for health.
ACHs: A Model for ‘Recovery and Equity Councils’ that Provides Community-Driven Accountability
Provides information in support of the Commentary authored by five leading health foundations calling for investment in Recovery and Equity Councils.
How to Leverage Federal Dollars to Advance Equity Through Community Councils
Cal Matters Commentary by 5 CACHI funders that describes how federal state & local COVID relief funds could catalyze creation of ACH-like Equity and Resiliency Councils.
Legal & Policy Strategies for Health Care & Food System Partners
Provides a framework for food system collaborations with health care provides along with legal and policy considerations for food system interventions.
The Power of Multi-sector Partnerships to Improve Population Health: What We Are Learning About Accountable Communities for Health
Summarizes key observations about the ACH model and provides policy implications for sustaining and scaling the ACH model and similar collaborative efforts.