Preliminary Findings on the Role of Health Care in Multi-Sector Networks for Population Health
Provides findings from the field about barriers to, and accelerators for, health care to carry out backbone or integrator functions as part of multi-sector collaborative.
Accountable Communities for Health for Children and Families: Approaches for Catalyzing and Accelerating Success
Describes the elements of an ACH for Children and Families, an emerging model for improving childrens health.
Partnership Assessment Tool for Health (PATH) Addendum for Equity
Provides a framework for assessing the role of partnerships between community-based organizations and healthcare in contributing to equitable health outcomes.
Leveraging Accountable Communities for Health to Achieve CalAIM Goals
Describes how ACHs can support Cal AIM by providing the mechanism to build partnerships, coordinate services, engage community, and incorporate a prevention lens.
Community Approaches to System Change: A Compendium of Practices, Reflections, and Findings
Describes findings from 19 communities efforts to create systems changes and improve health outcomes.
Demonstrating Success With Accountable Communities for Health
Provides evidence of success for the ACH model from California and other states.
Data Guidance for Accountable Communities for Health
Provides guidance on how to address ACH-related data issues, emphasizing connections between outcomes & interventions, and the data needed to track progress.
CACHI Overview
Provides an overview of the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative.
Establishing a Local Wellness Fund: Early Lessons from the California Accountable Communities for Health Initiative (CACHI)
Shares early lessons and recommendations for establishing locally-governed Wellness Funds to support multi-sector collaboratives and prevention.
California's Health Care Paradox
Analysis of California’s state budget finds that health care spending has skyrocketed, leaving fewer dollars to fund programs that prevent illness at the community level.
A Modernized Health System: Vision and Definition
Provides a vision and definition for a transformed health system to support community health and advance equity and compares and contrasts it with the current system.
National Alliance to Impact the Social Determinants of Health
National effort to advance holistic, value-based, person-centered health care that can successfully impact the social determinants of health.
Practical Playbook: Sustainability Through Accountability
Describes the ACH model with a focus on its central operating principle--collective accountability--as both a driver and an indicator of permanent systems change.
Evaluation of the ReThink Health Ventures Project
Provides learnings from the Ripple Foundation/ReThink Health Ventures Initiative, which worked with six multisector partnerships working to transform health.
10 Essential Practices for Transforming Health and Well-Being Through Regional Stewardship
Describes key practices for facilitating regional cross-sector collaboration and alignment that creates the conditions for lasting change.
Regional collaboration for health system transformation: An evaluation of Washington's Accountable Communities for Health
Provides findings and lessons learned from Washington State's experience implementing ACHs.
Tool for Assessing Your Distributed Leadership Practice
Provides an assessment tool and process for identifying strengths and weaknesses of a collaborative's current leadership efforts.
Braiding and Blending Funds to Support Community Health: A Compendium of Resources and Examples
Provides a wealth of resources regarding how to bring various funding streams together through the use of two mechanisms: braiding and blending.
Moving Healthcare Upstream
A partnership between Nemours and the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, MHCU provides case studies and resources regarding innovations to improve community health.
Data Sharing Within Cross Sector Collaborations
Identifies the five most common data challenges from the BUILD cohort, as well as reflections and solutions from the practitioners involved.