The Engine of Population Health Networks: Understanding & Using Integrative Activities
Provides findings & examples that explores integrative functions and mutii-sector collaboratives (note: the report links to other resources associated w/ the initiative).
Lived Experience: The Practice of Engagement in Policy
Highlights the value of ensuring the involvement of those with lived experience in policy and systems change in multi-sector collaboratives.
Preliminary Findings on the Role of Health Care in Multi-Sector Networks for Population Health
Provides findings from the field about barriers to, and accelerators for, health care to carry out backbone or integrator functions as part of multi-sector collaborative.
Defining an Accountable Community for Health for Children and Families
Describes core elements of an accountable community for health for children and families.
Nationwide Children's Hospital: An Accountable Care Organization Going Upstream to Address Population Health
Case study of a large academic medical center that has implemented an upstream population health strategy.