Community-Level Actions On The Social Determinants Of Health: A Typology For Hospitals
Defines and differentiates hospitals’ community-level SDOH activities.
Social Determinants As Public Goods: A New Approach To Financing Key Investments In Healthy Communities
Proposes how a properly governed, collaborative approach to financing could enable health stakeholders to earn a financial return on their social determinants investments.
Multisector Partnerships Need Further Development to Fulfill Aspirations for Transforming Health and Well-Being
Findings from research about the development of multi-sector partnerships and how well they are poised to lead health transformation.
Preventable Death Rate Fell Where Communities Expanded Population Health Activities Through Multi-sector Networks
Using 16 years of data, the study finds that supporting multisector health activities may help close geographic and socioeconomic disparities in population health.
To Launch and Sustain Local Health Trusts, Focus on Backbone Resources
Provides an overview of local health trusts roles and structures.
Building the Foundation for Regional Health Improvement: Evaluating Washington's Accountable Communities of Health
Provides early evaluation findings of the first year of Washington state's ACH initiative.